Sixth International Conference
on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime


Conference Committees

Call for Papers

Conference Program


Useful Information


Conference in Pictures

Conference Volume

Minkowski Institute

Minkowski Institute Magazine

Minkowski Institute Press

Minkowski Meetings

Spacetime Conferences

International Society for the Advanced Study of Spacetime

2024 Conference Volume

Papers presented at the conference will be peer reviewed and the accepted papers will be included in a volume published by the Minkowski Institute Press (MIP).

Strongly preferred format for the accepted papers is a LaTeX article with a minimally customized preamble. Submissions, containing equations, tables, figures and diagrams, must be typeset in LaTeX.

Color pictures will be included in the electronic versions of the volume (the ebook at the MIP site and the Kindle book at Amazon), but white-and-black pictures will be in the physical book.

Editors will be selected during the conference.

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